Embracing Our Impact and Opportunity as Dance Educators
Workshop / Presentation with Susan Bauer, MFA, RSME/T, RSDE
Friday, September 29th
Teaching Somatics to Teens and Young Adults
In teaching somatics to teens and young adults, what does leadership look like? How do we guide our students, while empowering them with a sense of agency in relation to their own bodies? This requires an engaging, student-centered approach that encourages both individual expression and respect for diversity. In this workshop, participants experience a sample somatic movement activity based in embodied anatomy, followed by a brief presentation/discussion of the presenter’s “Eight Pedagogy Principles” from her book, The Embodied Teen. Participants first gain experience with the somatic practices, since enhancing one’s own embodied experience is central to the ability to teach the material, while the pedagogy principles offer a framework which can be adapted based on one’s particular background and student population. Come move, explore, and discuss how to lead youth in somatic practices.
The material is based on Susan’s book, The Embodied Teen, the first book to offer a somatic education curriculum adapted to the unique needs of adolescents. Enjoy time to move, reflect, and experience these lessons to empower our next generation.
For registration and more information see the NDEO website.
Event Category: conference, Embodiment in Education